What are people saying about TaiQi Fusion and it’s sevices

Tai-chi and Qigong

“TaiQi Fusion is very welcoming to a new pathway I chose back in January 2023.

I have always wanted to learn the concepts and movements of Tai-chi combined with Qigong- a great form of grounding and standing meditation.

The slow, purposeful movements are very easy to do and there is no judgement or any expectation as to how quickly you master this form.

The calm presence, inbetween nice chats, makes the form peaceful, with gentle encouragement to just follow the movements.

I have really surprised myself, and am in awe of this therapy which has benefitted me immensely- physically, emotionally and psychologically!

As a nurse with a science brain, the pathology which takes place for stress management is a great form of resilience training as well as just good wellbeing practice!

Thanks x”


“I am happy attending this group because:

The surroundings of Yateley Village Hall are calm and peaceful and the group is welcoming. 

The group gives an opportunity to focus on repetitive exercises and clear the mind of intrusive thoughts.

You can stay in the moment as you are copying the exercises led by the Conductor so there is no need to think ahead.

 You gain energy following the movements and a sense of achievement at the end of the session.

There is mutual support among the group members and from the Conductor.

There is no need to bring mats or get down onto the floor.  All exercises are based on standing (or sitting)”


Pain Relief Therapy

“After suffeing severe pain in my lower left leg, caused by a blocked artery, my friend suggested I should seek assistance from a pain therapist.

After practicing one procedure over several weeks I am now completely pain free.”


Request Further Information

Please read the following very carefully.

TaiQi Fusion are not health care professionals nor licensed as such. The gentle movements we practice are not intended as a replacement for medical advice and treatment.

TaiQi Fusion strongly advise you to seek the advice of your doctor or health care provider before copying the gentle movements we practice.

TaiQi Fusion does not warrant or make any claims as to the efficacy of the movements we practice.

You agree that If you engage in the movements, you do so at your own risk, that you are participating in these movements of your own volition assuming all risk of injury to yourself and agree to release and discharge TaiQi Fusion from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown.